Passenger Review
Bulgaria Air review by Kaloyan
3 / 10
21 September, 2020 by Kaloyan Trifonov
I have flown with bulgaria air more than 15 times. Mainly because on the routes I flew i didn’t have a better alternative at that certain moment. However, I don’t think I had a flight with them that didn’t have some kind of problem. Once I had to transport my dog and when we landed the ground crew returned the dog cage broken! (They obviously had dropped it while my dog was inside). Once I bought a ticket and I had to travel l for business. When I tried to do the check-in it turned out there is an error in the system and the ticket didn’t exist. Imagine the surprise I felt when I had to buy a 2x more expensive ticket just hours before departure. But maybe the worst thing was when I had to fly from Lisbon back to Bulgaria and just hours before the flight I got an email that it got cancelled. Just a regular day with Bulgaria air. I am bulgarian, travel a lot and honestly am Ashamed of our national carrier. If you have a chance, fly with any other airline just not BG air.
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Bulgaria Air
Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
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